Position Manager

Position Manager


The Position Manager system is designed to manage positions for security tokens. It allows users to create, manage, and trade tokenized positions that represent ownership of underlying security tokens. This system enhances the flexibility and functionality of security token ownership by introducing an ERC721-based wrapper around ERC1400 security tokens.

Key Components


The main contract responsible for creating and managing positions. It implements the ERC721 standard, allowing positions to be represented as unique, non-fungible tokens.


A factory contract that deploys new instances of the SecurityTokenPositionManager. It uses the upgradeable beacon pattern for easy upgrades of all deployed instances.


The interface defining the core functionality of the Position Manager system.


Position Creation (Minting)

Users can create new positions by minting tokens through the SecurityTokenPositionManager. This process involves:

  1. Approving the Position Manager to spend the user's security tokens.

  2. Calling the mint function, specifying the security token address, amount, and recipient.

Position Liquidation (Burning)

Positions can be liquidated by burning the corresponding ERC721 token. This process:

  1. Destroys the ERC721 token.

  2. Transfers the underlying security tokens to a specified recipient.


The Position Manager supports delegating voting power associated with the underlying security tokens.

Usage Guide

Deploying a Position Manager

  1. Deploy the SecurityTokenPositionManagerFactory.

  2. Call the deploy function on the factory, providing initialization parameters:

  • Name and symbol for the ERC721 token

  • Owner address

bytes32 pmId = keccak256("myPositionManager");
bytes memory pmInitData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
    "My Position Manager",
address deployedPositionManager = pmFactory.deploy(pmId, pmInitData);

Creating a Position

  1. Approve the Position Manager to spend your security tokens:

securityToken.approve(positionManagerAddress, amount);
  1. Mint a new position:

uint256 tokenId = positionManager.mint(securityTokenAddress, amount, recipientAddress, "");

Liquidating a Position

To burn a position and receive the underlying security tokens:

positionManager.burn(tokenId, recipientAddress);

Delegating Voting Power

To delegate the voting power associated with a position:

positionManager.setDelegate(tokenId, delegateAddress);

Managing Security Tokens

As the contract owner, you can update or remove security token details:

// Update
ISecurityTokenPositionManager.SecurityTokenDetails memory details = 
    ISecurityTokenPositionManager.SecurityTokenDetails({data: abi.encode("Updated details")});
positionManager.updateSecurityToken(securityTokenAddress, details);

// Remove

Security Considerations

  1. Access Control: Ensure that only authorized addresses can call sensitive functions like updateSecurityToken and removeSecurityToken.

  2. Token Approval: Users must approve the Position Manager to spend their security tokens before minting. Always verify that approvals are set correctly.

  3. Upgrades: The upgradeable beacon pattern allows for upgrades. Ensure that upgrade processes are secure and well-tested.

  4. Delegation: Be aware that delegating voting power affects governance rights. Implement appropriate checks in any connected governance systems.

Last updated